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House: the Sword XKI Generation: The Security Council Generation XKI Map Nation Color: Red XKI NS Join Year: 123 - Friday, 18 December 2009 Historical XKI Political Party: TCP - The Circle Party Ancient House of: Markanite
1) I think that florida, will definitely hold the key for Romney, if he wins he'll have a lot of momentum to play with. So yes I think the quote is accurate. Hes holding well with conservatives especially somewhat conservatives so he has an appeal to mainstream Republicans.
2) I'm not sure whether or not it would change the election, it could make it closer, especially in states where libertarians are popular. I think the rest will vote for the libertarian ticket if they don't vote Republican.
For this one, you’ll have to pretend you are Republican
A few thoughts on this week’s stories: Mitt Romney still has not gotten the majority of support of the Tea Party. Given that the Tea Party is a major force in the Republican Party, this could cause problems for him somewhere down the line. I also found the “very poor” comment to be not only in bad taste but VERY uninformed. As the commentators are saying, though, it could have simply been worded incorrectly. However, I do feel that, as Americans, we should also worry about the “Very poor.” Is it not our duty to take care of ALL Americans? I would love to see the “Very poor” doing better. I’m sorry, but living on food stamps and getting a very minimal income is something to worry about and not something to be disregarded. What are your thoughts on this?
Negative Ads seem to be playing very well for Romney. I find that Gingrich is sort of flabbergasted by them. He does not have a good way to respond to them in “off-the-cuff” remarks, and doesn’t respond to them well in debates all of a sudden. The key for him so far is to be against the media. But if he doesn’t have that outlet, he loses ground. He is good with words, unless taken off guard. If you were to offer advice to him, what would it be?
The problem that I have with the commentators saying that Caucus states would be a big factor, I think the fact that Gingrich is not a few states will undermine him, hence Romney will win.
Donald Trump is turning this into a laughingstock for the Republicans. I think that his endorsement of Romney just makes their side seem more laughable. I think Trump should get out of their side of things unless his goal is to make them “run as a joke,” as Seth Meyers so aptly said.
But let’s face it: The Republican candidates (and to the same degree, Barack Obama) would not even be in the primaries 50 years ago. You had people better qualified for office then, but not now. My solution to this is to fix the system and let “more smoke back into the room.” The GOP heads and the DEM heads would select the best-qualified candidates for the primaries, and then they would run. You would get far less Michelle Bachmanns and far more people like Colin Powell. Then, you hand it over to the voters in your party and say, “Who is your best guy?” This (almost) guarantees you will have someone who knows what he or she is doing.
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House: the Sword XKI Generation: The Security Council Generation XKI Map Nation Color: Red XKI NS Join Year: 123 - Friday, 18 December 2009 Historical XKI Political Party: TCP - The Circle Party Ancient House of: Markanite
Hi Mut! Wheres the link to the blog you wrote, it doesnt seem to be there
I fully agree with you on that Romney part, I think saying "you definitely don't wanna be poor" shocked me, so maybe it was worded incorrectly because I can't see anyone saying that
Maybe more debate prep, anticipate questions like the ones hes been getting. I just think he wasn't expecting the volume of negative ads
I agree about the caucus states, I think its virginia where hes not on the ballot? So Romney will definitely get a lot more delegates from there!
I like your solution, although it would get a lot of criticism as people would say its interfering with their choice. It also would eliminate candidates who would do a good job but aren't the establishments facourites.
Posts: 27,535
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House: the Sword XKI Generation: The Security Council Generation XKI Map Nation Color: Red XKI NS Join Year: 123 - Friday, 18 December 2009 Historical XKI Political Party: TCP - The Circle Party Ancient House of: Markanite