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XKI Generation: The Shelter Generation XKI NS Join Year: 203 - Thursday, 29 May 2014 Historical XKI Political Party: TCP - The Circle Party Ancient House of: Louisistan
Upon the receiving of my assets by CTE Solutions, said company is to hold my assets for a period of 30 days to wait for my return.
If, after that period, the following nations do not (or no longer) exist in NationStates, I shall be considered CTE and the execution of clauses 1-5 shall begin after the Commisson for CTE Solutions has been satisfied:
The Confederacy of Louisistan
The Commonwealth of Suevo-Prussia
The Kingdom of East Marbury
The Dominion of Mount Louisistan
1.) All assets gained through the liquidation of L4XKI Political Consulting shall be transferred to the Mayor Shelter Political Party. 2.) All assets gained through the liquidation of Lou Chance Gambling Enterprise shall be used to satisfy any outstanding debts of that company (e.g. from ongoing games). Any assets left after that shall be transferred to the Big Draw Jackpot of the XKI Casino. 3.) CTE Solutions is instructed to purchase a RMB advertisment to highlight my achievements in XKI. 4.) 25,000 Tacos shall be transferred to Taco Island Charities 5.) The remainder of my assets shall be distributed as follows: a) 50% to my beloved Queen Of Taco Island, Ayunli b) 10% to Barry c) 10% to Ananke II, Esteemed Head of my House d) 10% to Klopstock e) 10% to the current Field Commander of TITO at the time of execution f) 2 Tacos to Tanzoria g) The rest to the current Mayor of Taco Island at the time of execution
CTE Solutions, I am not sure how much this will will cost me, please contact me to let me know how many Tacos to transfer.
TITO Knight Master Commander Louisistan 79th Knight of TITO 28th Delegate of 10000 Islands Former Mayor of Taco Island Former TITO Tactical Officer and Executive Officer Former Senator for Lyonesse East