As a new Blue Canaria North senator, I will promise to provide a brighter future in 10000 Islands for all of you.
I would first like to say thank you to the 44 voters who voted for me. Honestly, I am surprised, because I only expected ten, if not five, votes towards me for this election. Though I do not know your names, your contributions were extremely grateful.
Secondly, I would like to thank all nations, in alphabetical order, within and outside of forum, who wished good luck to my campaign:
I would also like to congratulate,Takaram, our new NRS Senator, and I would like to extend a few words to my opponent, The Jensmonian Empire: You were a great candidate for this election, and I hope to see you more active in the region and wish you the best of luck in your future elections.
Fifthly, I would like to thank nations, in alphabetical order, who have been a major support throughout my campaign:
Aersoldorf for motivating me to run for this election Maguai for unwavering support both within and outside the campaign Markanite for sound advice regarding this election
Lastly, I would like to thank Grub for making this election happen as well as administering all other events within 10000 Islands. I am extremely grateful of the fact that, despite his busy schedule, Grub has maintained 10000 Islands as one of the most creative, fun, and prestigious regions in NationStates.
Once again, thank you all whom I have mentioned for their support in this election.
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XKI Generation: The Midnight Generation XKI Map Nation Color: Bottom Left XKI NS Join Year: 220 - Saturday, 9 May 2015 Historical XKI Political Party: MSPP - Mayor Shelter Political Party Ancient House of: Ater Nox