Post by Grub on May 25, 2004 12:21:56 GMT -5
Pantso (8/23 - Current)
keswickholt (5/23 - Current)
AxeCapital (11/21 - 7/22, 9/22 - 7/23, 11/23 - Current)
worlddefenseorg (3/24 - Current)
ugtaui (11/23 - 1/23)
Vivolkha (10/23 - 11/23)
Haivon (9/21 - 1/22, 7/23 - 11/23)
The CFR of Kaltovar (9/23)
Liberdon (2/22 - 9/23)
Flying Eagles (7/21 - 11/21, 10/22 - 5/23)
Manuelian Empire (2/23 - 3/23)
Cataryn (1/23 - 2/23)
Asukana (9/22 - 1/23)
Aschente (9/19 - 1/20, 11/20 - 3/21, 11/21 - 10/22)
Gonggong (4/22- 9/22)
Wires (7/22- 9/22)
MrHermit (1/22 - 4/22)
The Cavalier Knight (1/22 - 2/22)
Valentian Elysium (5/21 - 1/22)
Zaberaz Hapang (3/21 - 11/21)
Porflox (3/21 - 9/21)
Kohnhead (3/21 - 7/21)
Dokansia (1/21 - 5/21)
Wischland (9/20 - 3/21)
Thedairos (7/20-12/20)
Wille-Harlia (7/20-2/21)
Grea Kriopia (5/20-9/20)
Pelanesomunk (3/20-5/20)
HN67 (3/20-5/20)
THX1138 (1/20-03/20)
Marxist Germany (11/19-7/20)
Lenlyvit (03/19-04/19, 1/24 - 3/24)
Triora (03/19-07/19)
Sargon Reman (9/18-2/19)
Jabberwocky (5/18-5/19)
New Ecopia (11/18-11/18)
Flemingisa (03/18-7/18, 5/19-11/19)
Kozmix (01/18-09/18)
Siuts (09/17-01/19)
Tanzoria (03/17-05/17, 5/19-9/19)
United Royal Islands (03/17-03/18, 9/19-7/20)
Alkasia (01/17-01/18)
Hakketomat (01/17-01/18)
Coromandall (07/16-11/16)
Isles de Taylor (05/16-09/16)
Dominion of Compassion (01/16-01/17, 7/18-11/18, 5/19-9/19)
Control (01/16 - 5/16, 5/20 - 1/21)
Hahiha / USSR (07/2015 - 01/16, 11/16-03/17)
Bolt (07/15 – 08/15)
Jin (07/15 – 03/16)
Coreyo (05/2015 - 09/15)
The Jensmonian Empire (04/2015 - 05/15)
Louisistan (01/15 – 07/15, 11/18-03/19)
Lower Columbia (01/15 – 05/15, 07/15 - 01/16, 07/16 - 04/17)
The Candy Lane (7/14-01/15)
Barry (7/14-07/15, 08/15 - 11/15, 03/16 - 7/16)
Ardreas (3/14-7/14, 03/16 - 07/16)
Duckyian Empire (1/14-5/14)
Witchcraft and Sorcery (11/13-7/14, 11/15 - 3/16, 4/19-5/19)
Benevolent Thomas (11/13-3/14)
Ater Nox (7/13-11/13, 5/14–01/15, 01/18-5/18)
Randomain (5/13-11/13)
HumanSanity (3/13–7/13, 7/17 - 9/17, 9/19-03/20)
Elite (1/13-5/13)
Calanria (7/12–3/13)
Hoodhat (9/12–1/13)
-Valoniah- (6/12- 9/12, 10/13–1/14, 5/14)
Aersoldorf (3/12–4/13, 7/19 - 8/19)
Mal (1/12-10/13)
Boltor (12/11-1/12)
Paffnia (11/11-7/12, 5/14-9/14)
Anime Daisuki (9/11-11/11)
Walabamba (7/11-3/12)
Tsim Sha Tsui (5/11-1/12, 5/13-5/14)
Shelter from the Storm (3/11-5/11)
Free Guns For All (3/11-7/11)
Woonsocket (9/10-1/10)
Takaram (9/10-3/11, 05/15-07/15)
Cerb (7/10-9/11)
Guy (5/10-9/10, 3/11-5/11)
Markanite (5/10-9/10, 1/11-3/11, 1/12-6/12)
Echolilia (3/10-11/10)
SovietPrussia (1/10-3/10)
Ad Infinitum (11/09-7/10, 11/10-3/11)
Mutanatia (7/09-11/09)
Sir Lans (7/09-10/09)
New Dracora (5/09-1/10)
Ananke II (5/09-1/10, 09/16-01/17)
Harmonious Treefolk (3/08-5/09)
The United Antarctic (11/08-4/09)
Greek People Nation (GPN) (9/08-5/09)
Iwerddon (7/08-7/09)
Lichto (5/08-9/08)
Noyzistan (3/08-7/08)
Le Crochet (3/08-9/08)
Shizensky (1/08-3/08, 11/09-2/10)
Isles of Nixon (9/07-5/08, 3/09-7/09, 9/14-1/15)
Twobagger (7/07-11/08, 01/19-05/19)
Enigmatic (5/07-1/08)
MinnaCaroline (5/07-9/07, 1/10-5/10, 5/11-11/11, 4/13-5/13)
San Juan Capital (3/07-7/07)
Girlsandboys (11/06-7/07)
Otupia (7/06-11/06)
Bahamamamma (5/06-7/06)
XFracture (3/06-5/06)
Skwerrel (3/06-3/07)
Gluuland II (9/05-2/06)
Jesioneka (9/05-3/07)
Estayland (3/05-7/06, 7/07-3/08, 9/08-5/09)
Crackenback (9/04-3/06)
Neo-Sheynat (1/05-9/05, 7/06-5/07)
Boolari (9/04-5/05)
The Peoples of Yavanna (7/04-1/05)
Naoi (5/04-7/04)
Thewsconia (3/04-3/05, 5/05-9/05)
Odracir (3/04-9/04)
Nulibert (1/04-3/04)
EU-topia (1/04-3/04)
TheSensitiveNewAge (1/04-5/04)
New Boniventure (1/04-9/04)
Senior Senators:
keswickholt (9/23 - Current)
Liberdon (10/22 - 9/23)
Aschente (1/22 - 10/22)
Valentian Elysium (11/21 - 1/22)
Zaberaz Hapang (6/21 - 11/21)
Dokansia (3/21 - 5/21)
Wischland (2/21 - 3/21)
Wille-Harlia (1/21 - 2/21)
Marxist Germany (04/20-7/20)
HumanSanity (10/19-03/20)
Flemingisa (09/19-10/19)
Dominion of Compassion (07/19-9/19)
Jabberwocky (11/18-07/19)
Siuts (03/18-10/18)
United Royal Islands (01/18-03/18)
Alkasia (10/17-12/17)
Hakketomat (03/17-09/17)
Dominion of Compassion (05/16-01/17)
Control (03/16 - 05/16, 7/20 - 1/21)
Jin (01/16 - 03/16)
Lower Columbia (07/15 - 01/16, 01/17 - 03/17)
Barry (01/15-07/15)
Ater Nox (9/14–01/15)
Witchcraft and Sorcery (5/14-7/14)
Mal (7/12-10/13)
Paffnia (3/12-7/12, 7/14-9/14)
Walabamba (1/12-3/12)
Tsim Sha Tsui (12/11-1/12, 10/13–5/13)
MinnaCaroline (9/11-11/11)
Cerb (11/10-9/11)
Echolilia (7/10-11/10)
Ad Infinitum (1/10-7/10)
Ananke II (7/09-1/10)
Iwerddon (11/08-7/09)
Twobagger (3/08-11/08)
Enigmatic (7/07-1/08)
Girlsandboys (5/07-7/07)
Jesioneka (7/06-3/07)
Estayland (3/06-7/06, 1/08-3/08)
Crackenback (5/05-3/06)
Boolari (3/05-5/05)
Thewsconia (7/04-3/05)
Pantso (8/23 - Current)
keswickholt (5/23 - Current)
AxeCapital (11/21 - 7/22, 9/22 - 7/23, 11/23 - Current)
worlddefenseorg (3/24 - Current)
ugtaui (11/23 - 1/23)
Vivolkha (10/23 - 11/23)
Haivon (9/21 - 1/22, 7/23 - 11/23)
The CFR of Kaltovar (9/23)
Liberdon (2/22 - 9/23)
Flying Eagles (7/21 - 11/21, 10/22 - 5/23)
Manuelian Empire (2/23 - 3/23)
Cataryn (1/23 - 2/23)
Asukana (9/22 - 1/23)
Aschente (9/19 - 1/20, 11/20 - 3/21, 11/21 - 10/22)
Gonggong (4/22- 9/22)
Wires (7/22- 9/22)
MrHermit (1/22 - 4/22)
The Cavalier Knight (1/22 - 2/22)
Valentian Elysium (5/21 - 1/22)
Zaberaz Hapang (3/21 - 11/21)
Porflox (3/21 - 9/21)
Kohnhead (3/21 - 7/21)
Dokansia (1/21 - 5/21)
Wischland (9/20 - 3/21)
Thedairos (7/20-12/20)
Wille-Harlia (7/20-2/21)
Grea Kriopia (5/20-9/20)
Pelanesomunk (3/20-5/20)
HN67 (3/20-5/20)
THX1138 (1/20-03/20)
Marxist Germany (11/19-7/20)
Lenlyvit (03/19-04/19, 1/24 - 3/24)
Triora (03/19-07/19)
Sargon Reman (9/18-2/19)
Jabberwocky (5/18-5/19)
New Ecopia (11/18-11/18)
Flemingisa (03/18-7/18, 5/19-11/19)
Kozmix (01/18-09/18)
Siuts (09/17-01/19)
Tanzoria (03/17-05/17, 5/19-9/19)
United Royal Islands (03/17-03/18, 9/19-7/20)
Alkasia (01/17-01/18)
Hakketomat (01/17-01/18)
Coromandall (07/16-11/16)
Isles de Taylor (05/16-09/16)
Dominion of Compassion (01/16-01/17, 7/18-11/18, 5/19-9/19)
Control (01/16 - 5/16, 5/20 - 1/21)
Hahiha / USSR (07/2015 - 01/16, 11/16-03/17)
Bolt (07/15 – 08/15)
Jin (07/15 – 03/16)
Coreyo (05/2015 - 09/15)
The Jensmonian Empire (04/2015 - 05/15)
Louisistan (01/15 – 07/15, 11/18-03/19)
Lower Columbia (01/15 – 05/15, 07/15 - 01/16, 07/16 - 04/17)
The Candy Lane (7/14-01/15)
Barry (7/14-07/15, 08/15 - 11/15, 03/16 - 7/16)
Ardreas (3/14-7/14, 03/16 - 07/16)
Duckyian Empire (1/14-5/14)
Witchcraft and Sorcery (11/13-7/14, 11/15 - 3/16, 4/19-5/19)
Benevolent Thomas (11/13-3/14)
Ater Nox (7/13-11/13, 5/14–01/15, 01/18-5/18)
Randomain (5/13-11/13)
HumanSanity (3/13–7/13, 7/17 - 9/17, 9/19-03/20)
Elite (1/13-5/13)
Calanria (7/12–3/13)
Hoodhat (9/12–1/13)
-Valoniah- (6/12- 9/12, 10/13–1/14, 5/14)
Aersoldorf (3/12–4/13, 7/19 - 8/19)
Mal (1/12-10/13)
Boltor (12/11-1/12)
Paffnia (11/11-7/12, 5/14-9/14)
Anime Daisuki (9/11-11/11)
Walabamba (7/11-3/12)
Tsim Sha Tsui (5/11-1/12, 5/13-5/14)
Shelter from the Storm (3/11-5/11)
Free Guns For All (3/11-7/11)
Woonsocket (9/10-1/10)
Takaram (9/10-3/11, 05/15-07/15)
Cerb (7/10-9/11)
Guy (5/10-9/10, 3/11-5/11)
Markanite (5/10-9/10, 1/11-3/11, 1/12-6/12)
Echolilia (3/10-11/10)
SovietPrussia (1/10-3/10)
Ad Infinitum (11/09-7/10, 11/10-3/11)
Mutanatia (7/09-11/09)
Sir Lans (7/09-10/09)
New Dracora (5/09-1/10)
Ananke II (5/09-1/10, 09/16-01/17)
Harmonious Treefolk (3/08-5/09)
The United Antarctic (11/08-4/09)
Greek People Nation (GPN) (9/08-5/09)
Iwerddon (7/08-7/09)
Lichto (5/08-9/08)
Noyzistan (3/08-7/08)
Le Crochet (3/08-9/08)
Shizensky (1/08-3/08, 11/09-2/10)
Isles of Nixon (9/07-5/08, 3/09-7/09, 9/14-1/15)
Twobagger (7/07-11/08, 01/19-05/19)
Enigmatic (5/07-1/08)
MinnaCaroline (5/07-9/07, 1/10-5/10, 5/11-11/11, 4/13-5/13)
San Juan Capital (3/07-7/07)
Girlsandboys (11/06-7/07)
Otupia (7/06-11/06)
Bahamamamma (5/06-7/06)
XFracture (3/06-5/06)
Skwerrel (3/06-3/07)
Gluuland II (9/05-2/06)
Jesioneka (9/05-3/07)
Estayland (3/05-7/06, 7/07-3/08, 9/08-5/09)
Crackenback (9/04-3/06)
Neo-Sheynat (1/05-9/05, 7/06-5/07)
Boolari (9/04-5/05)
The Peoples of Yavanna (7/04-1/05)
Naoi (5/04-7/04)
Thewsconia (3/04-3/05, 5/05-9/05)
Odracir (3/04-9/04)
Nulibert (1/04-3/04)
EU-topia (1/04-3/04)
TheSensitiveNewAge (1/04-5/04)
New Boniventure (1/04-9/04)
Senior Senators:
keswickholt (9/23 - Current)
Liberdon (10/22 - 9/23)
Aschente (1/22 - 10/22)
Valentian Elysium (11/21 - 1/22)
Zaberaz Hapang (6/21 - 11/21)
Dokansia (3/21 - 5/21)
Wischland (2/21 - 3/21)
Wille-Harlia (1/21 - 2/21)
Marxist Germany (04/20-7/20)
HumanSanity (10/19-03/20)
Flemingisa (09/19-10/19)
Dominion of Compassion (07/19-9/19)
Jabberwocky (11/18-07/19)
Siuts (03/18-10/18)
United Royal Islands (01/18-03/18)
Alkasia (10/17-12/17)
Hakketomat (03/17-09/17)
Dominion of Compassion (05/16-01/17)
Control (03/16 - 05/16, 7/20 - 1/21)
Jin (01/16 - 03/16)
Lower Columbia (07/15 - 01/16, 01/17 - 03/17)
Barry (01/15-07/15)
Ater Nox (9/14–01/15)
Witchcraft and Sorcery (5/14-7/14)
Mal (7/12-10/13)
Paffnia (3/12-7/12, 7/14-9/14)
Walabamba (1/12-3/12)
Tsim Sha Tsui (12/11-1/12, 10/13–5/13)
MinnaCaroline (9/11-11/11)
Cerb (11/10-9/11)
Echolilia (7/10-11/10)
Ad Infinitum (1/10-7/10)
Ananke II (7/09-1/10)
Iwerddon (11/08-7/09)
Twobagger (3/08-11/08)
Enigmatic (7/07-1/08)
Girlsandboys (5/07-7/07)
Jesioneka (7/06-3/07)
Estayland (3/06-7/06, 1/08-3/08)
Crackenback (5/05-3/06)
Boolari (3/05-5/05)
Thewsconia (7/04-3/05)