The Assembly of Conservative Nations is organized to support our members, promote other like-minded nations, and better the region of 10000 Islands. The ACN is open to responsible changes that will make our home even better.
The ACN believes the Council of Nine is the exclusive government of the 10000 Islands. We encourage our members to be active participants in its government, and we will campaign to elect our members as senators and delegates. We will hold our representatives responsible for their actions and their votes.
The ACN recognizes the Assembly of Nations as a union of UN members and non-UN residents of 10000 Islands that assists the Council of Nine in promoting the region. The Assembly of Nations is a useful body to promote activity and action within the region. However, the ACN does not recognize the Assembly of Nations as a separate government body.
The ACN encourages its members to be active in its region. Members should participate in TITO and the various departments established in the region. The ACN believes immigration is essential to the growth and well-being of the 10000 Islands, and we support any efforts that can help bring in new nations and keep them.
I hereby certify this to be the most correct and up-to-date platform of the Assembly of Conservative Nations.
Estayland Chairman Assembly of Conservative Nations June 19, 2007
Though Never Lovable He is the Most Likable of the 10000 Islands X 5 X 200+